Tom Cotton : He’d prefer war.

Tom Cotton will try to block Iran deal at any cost. He’d prefer war..

what does Cotton want? Not war, he insisted. But military action that is not war … that he’d be good with. Calling it war is a false choice, according to Cotton, but bombing Iran could be in a separate category.

FEC to Investigate Scott Walker!

Created By Daily Kos
A watchdog group has charged that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, is using his 527 political organization, Our American Revival, “as his exploratory committee [for his presidential run], and in doing so is raising and spending funds that are beyond the contribution limits and source restrictions of the Federal Election Campaign Act.”
The complaint references press reports saying Walker’s group received two donations of $25,000 and $100,000, while the individual contribution limit to an exploratory committee is only $2,700.
If Walker has violated these rules, it shows a

Teacher to students: aren’t Christians

the teacher told her students President Obama is not a Christian and “any parent who supports him is not a Christian.” She also challenged her students to “prove their Christianity.”
via Georgia teacher to students: If your parents voted for President Obama, they aren’t Christians.

Another red state lying to the Supreme Court

Another red state caught lying to the Supreme Court about health insurance exchanges.
The Supreme Court might have already held its vote on King v. Burwell, the case challenging federal tax credits to people buying Obamacare health insurance on the federal exchange because they live in states which did not create their own exchanges. The challengers posit that Congress intended it this way—that they wrote the law to explicitly exclude these millions of people from subsidies as incentive to states to create their own exchanges.

Lawmaker Discloses She Was Raped

I dare any one of you to judge me,” she added. “I dare you to walk in my shoes.”
Fedor’s disclosure is just the latest personal admission from a female lawmaker who has determined she cannot remain silent about her own experience while her colleagues debate issues of reproductive rights on the floor.
Earlier this month, Arizona State Rep. Victoria Steele (D) made a similar speech during a legislative debate over a measure that would make it harder for women to get insurance coverage for abortion services.
“This is health care.

Effort To Defund Family Planning Clinics Backfires

Thibodeau told ThinkProgress that, since Tipping’s and Savage’s blog posts were published, the organization has received a lot of positive notes from religious people expressing their support for the work of Maine Family Planning. “Thank you for the work you do and please pay no attention to the ‘Maine Christian Civic League.’ They know very little about God,” one message read.
“The sentiment that people aren’t interested in anti-women rhetoric and discrimination in the name of religion — that definitely came across here,” Thibodeau said.

California Groundwater Crisis Grows

Beneath California Crops, Groundwater Crisis Grows –
Farmers are drilling wells at a feverish pace and pumping billions of gallons of water from the ground, depleting a resource that was critically endangered even before the drought, now in its fourth year